Download Instructions

1.  Download the file to any directory on your hard drive.

2.  Using Windows Explorer, double-click on the file to start the installation program.

3.  Server or Workstation Installation
Select the appropriate installation for the computer to which you are installing the program.

If you downloaded a "patch" update (also know as a "hot fix"), you will not see this option for server/workstation. Refer to Patch Update, below.

Note: Server also refers to stand-alone (single user) computers.

Problems with Download?

If you are having problems with program download or the installation does not appear to run correctly once downloaded, try a Download Manager.


Patch Update

This is actually a self-extracting zip file, which is just a quick method to provide you with one, or a few, changed program files.

When you double-click on the patch to install the update, just make certain that you are installing the patch to the correct location on your hard drive.